Clown World Weekly Recap #4
Check out some of this week’s trending updated from clown world:
Billie Eilish is so worried about global warming that it “makes her feel ill”, but apparently not enough to stop her from travelling with private jets - just like the rest of the rich and famous climate hysterics. These hypocrites want you to give up your car, while they can’t even stop flying their jets. They all expect you to make sacrifices, but when it comes to them, they can’t even give up the slightest of their luxuries. It’s easy and fashionable for them to babble about how scary the “climate crisis” is for them, but when it comes to actions, they don’t even take the smallest of steps to show they believe a thing of what they say.
Jordan Peterson was caught doing too much wrongthink, which Canada can no longer tolerate, and was sent to mandatory “re-education”. The College of Psychologists of Ontario has ordered Peterson that he must go through a six months “re-education” over his social media posts, or risk losing his clinical license. This is not surprising, considering how bad the Canadian oppression of the freedom of speech has been in recent times, and it seems things are only getting worse.
In Ecuador, a father trying to get custody over his 2 daughters has decided to take a more “modern” approach to his problem, using the woke agenda of the state against itself. Since the legal system has a clear favoring of the mother in such cases, this dad has decided to legally change his gender to female, in an attempt to make himself also be recognized as the mother of his children.
“The laws say that the one who has the right is the woman. As of this moment, I am female. Now I’m also a mom, that’s how I consider myself”.